Shown below are some of our typical clients ranging from small companies
to large organisations.
When J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books were published, they became more than just fiction–the franchise’s influence stretched
beyond the literary realm and quickly became a pop-culture phenomenon. Its popularity is also evidenced by the number of print
copies for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The book had an initial print run of 12 million copies, making it the largest initial
print run ever.
Printing is considered one of the four great inventions of China; the other being the compass, gunpowder and paper. Whilst there are no surviving examples of the Chinese printing presses of the 11th Century, the oldest surviving dated printed book on record is the Buddhist Diamond-Sutra, dated 11th May 868 AD.
Although Gutenberg did not invent printing in the mid-15th Century, his experiments made printing more practical. He used sand
molds to cast his type and changed the woodcut presses to take printing of type pages. He did also invent movable type for the
Western world. Gutenberg’s method of using type endured almost unchanged for five centuries. Today he is the most famous
printer of all time.
The ink of an inkjet printer costs much more for a millilitre of ink - 51p, compared to the most expensive Dom Perignon
champagne that costs just 15p and hence is considered extravagant.
Remember when catalogues were the premier way to shop? People would spend hours pouring over the glossy pages. In 2005,
Aviall Services Inc. released a behemoth that would put even the thickest catalogue to shame. They released their 'Aviall Product
and Catalog Book' on January 3, 2005. It has 2,656 pages, weighs 7.4 lb (3.4 kg) and is 7.1 cm (2.8 in) thick.